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nDash Writer Profile for Paul C


Linux and DevOps, Testing, Technical Writing, Content Producer/Curator

About Me

I'm in the cross-section of web with DevOps, digital media and documentation. My skill set spans web servers (Apache/Nginx), database servers (MySQL), content management systems (Wordpress/Confluence) and content production.

My previous roles range between web development, IT journalism, technical writing, and DevOps with the focus on LAMP environments. With an aptitude for structured thinking, I'm constantly taking my profession into new directions, always with research of current trends and technological advances.

Think web, social media and computer networks, and you will know how to spark my interest. In addition to my technological interests, my core beliefs are competence bulding and team building.

Some call me an independent thinker. I thoroughly believe in lifelong learning and from a humble beginning as a network technician, I have held such positions as an IT journalist, IT support engineer, web developer/entrepeneur, and technical writer. Some examples of work scenarios..

Profile: IT and finance

- Log analysis of trading applications, Java/C++ asynchronous log handlers.

- Systems analysis and troubleshooting of server applications and trading clients.

- Technical writing, including process documentation and establishing the technical writing discipline with process management.

- Bloomberg Terminal usage.

- Python scripting. Profile: Web DevOps, testing and backend development, LAMP-stack.

- Technical writing and documentation process management using the Atlassian product suite.

- Systems analysis with Linux.

- LAMP stack DevOps with MySQL (and MariaDB), Nginx, Varnish, Postfix, and Bind9.  Including failover setup.

- PHP/MySQL, Laravel, Wordpress.

- REST API testing.

- Agile methodologies such as Kanban for work-in-progress management.

Industries I Write About



Health & Wellness

My Writing Samples

Is MariaDB just a binary dropin replacement? Features for datawarehousing and low latency say otherw

MariaDB is a binary dropin replacement for MySQL. So goes the old marketing message. That is all fine, but what has changed for you who work with database development and administration?


How did systemctl/systemd change the way your Linux workstation boots up?

So you’ve been starting and stopping your daemons with /etc/init.d scripts.


Testing trends that are gaining momentum

The landscape of software testing is changing rapidly. As expected since a year back or so, automation is becoming key to QA departments in most businesses.


The Debian APT cache in numbers for a human understanding

How APT cache works on a grand scale


Why should you avoid vendor lock-in when you design your CI/CD pipeline?

So why should you care about vendor lock-in?


Get a grip on those network connections with pstree and lsof -i

As you know, you can string Linux commands together..



Web developer, webmaster, content curator, and editor : English and Swedish travel websites

Development and DevOps: - Wordpress developer (plugins as well as theme design and coding, Boilerplate template). - Backup management for web site data, including custom scripts and remote storage. - LAMP Engineer, VPS servers with failover mechanisms, in particular Apache and MySQL. - Log management and analysis for Apache and MySQL optimization. Editorial and journalistic: - Web editor and writer for a Swedish travel network, several English travel ezines.

Company: (self-employed)

I worked there from 8/2007 until now

Languages I Write In

Content I Write