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nDash Writer Profile for Andreas Lodberg


MD/PhD Content Writer. Expertise in Muscle and Bone - Disease and Anabolism.

About Me

I provide scientifically sound, written content within the field of muscle and bone. Client examples include health magazines, blogs, or small businesses. I am Danish and live in Aarhus, Denmark.

Professionally, I work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University, Denmark. My expertise lies in disease models of muscle wasting and osteoporosis and design and expression of proteins, especially members of the TGFbeta superfamily.

I do this because I find writing is a tool requiring constant honing to stay at its best and because I enjoy conveying knowledge in a lay format outside my professional vocation.

Industries I Write About

Science & Medicine

Science & Medicine

Science & Medicine

My Writing Samples

A Novel Therapeutic for Muscle and Bone Loss

Primary loss of muscle mass and strength, sarcopenia, is a natural consequence of aging, whereas secondary muscle wasting is seen in pathologic conditions such as malignancy, immobilization, congestive heart failure, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Whatever the cause, a decline in muscle mass often coincides with osteoporosis, increasing the risk of fracture and disability as a result of trauma.


Blocking the TGFbeta Superfamily Improves Bone Strength

Available today, there are two distinct approaches to treating osteoporosis: antiresorptive agents or anabolic agents. A third modality, anabolic-antiresorptive (dual-action) treatment is now conceivable with the advent of inhibitors of the activin-receptor signaling pathway (IASPs). Activins (activin A and activin B) are members of the TGFβ superfamily and were first described in 1986 together with inhibin (1985) and follistatin (1987) as regulators of the menstrual cycle and reproduction.


A novel intervention against osteosarcoma

Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant primary tumor of bone and it has a strong propensity for metastasizing to the lungs. In spite of multi-agent chemotherapy, the 5-year survival rate remain as low as a few percentages in the elderly (60+ years of age) and amounts to 30% in young patients (0–24 years of age), when distant disease is present at the time of diagnosis.




Scientifically, I strive to expand the panel of biological therapeutics for musculoskeletal wasting and anabolism. This is achieved through design and expression of novel recombinant proteins that intercept memebrs of the TGFbeta superfamily (e.g. the protein, myostatin). My academic portfolio is available on PubMed and includes publications in The FASEB Journal and Bone.

Company: Aarhus University

I worked there from 1/2016 until now


Clinically, I’ve worked in general practice and at the department of respiratory medicine and allergy.

Company: Aarhus University Hospital

I worked there from 1/2018 until now

Content I Write