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nDash Writer Profile for Pranav Kumar


Health and technology writer

About Me

I am a computer science student and a gym rat. That's why I understand health and technology niches really well.

 My writing is very conversational, like right now :) this can help you educate your audience better about your products and services. 

I can put really complex ideas into words and make a nut head understand. You can see this in my writing samples. I'll help you write the most difficult-to-understand pieces to make your audience fall in love with you even more. 

If all this sounds good to you I would be pleased to work with you :D

Industries I Write About

Health & Wellness




My Writing Samples

One guaranteed way to become a better person

I wrote about how to contemplate death to become a better person. Niches covered: Lifestyle


Why is cryptocurrency important?

This article is about how crypto is and will change the world. This gives you a basic overview of the crypto world. Niches covered: Technology, Finance


Reason why financial institutions will fall

This article explains how blockchain technology works and its impact on the world. Niches covered: technology, Finance


This molecule makes you invincible, check out how?

This article deconstructs the neuroscience of motivation and explains how you can use it to your advantage. Niches covered: Health, lifestyle


3 amazing biohacking tools that can make you feel superhuman.

This is a product review article for the biohacking products I have used. Niches covered: health, Lifestyle, technology



Content Marketing Director

Auxiliors is a mental health care organization aimed to help teenagers with their mental health. My responsibility as Content Marketing director was to lead a team with content writers, social media managers, and designers to create best-curated content.

Company: Auxiliors

I worked there from 5/2021 until now

Languages I Write In

Content I Write