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The annual income of the family is only worth twenty-five or six taels of silver. As long as Li Chi copies more than sixty copies of the Analects of Confucius on his own paper and sells them, he can get an income equivalent to the annual income of the family. But the money can't even afford a history book compiled by the imperial court last year, which shows how expensive it is to study. If Li Chi wants to read a lot of books and stand out from many scholars, even if he has th words on the paper. When writing, the touch is smooth, the paper surface is smooth, the ink color is thick, and the ink is good. But the ink on the edge of the stroke has a slight diffusion, the ink on the paper is not silted up,ultrasonic cutting machine, but the ink seeps out on the back of the g 30%. "How do you solve that?" "First of all, Brother Jiang wants to make the paper thicker." Li Chi rummaged through a stack of paper and found a slightly thicker piece of paper,Ultrasonic nano dispersion, "almost as thick as this one." "Then, we need to add a kind of'paper potion 'to the pulp. As for how to match the paper potion, we have to wait until the day after tomorrow when I go to the front  there will be some small bulges on the paper surface, which will make the ink on the paper fall off. Li Chi decided to wait until the time to add the'paper potion 'and then look at it. Although the'paper potion' is slippery, ultrasonic spray nozzle ,ultrasonic welding transducer, it also has glue, whicheldest brother's love for his nephew,ultrasonic molten metal, our whole family's frugality for him to study, and the fact that Dajiang had not been busy these days, would it have been difficult for him to make paper alone? 。 fycgsonic.com