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Saddles are a pain in the ass, right? But if you know what to do and have a few tips, they are actually pretty easy to put on. The first step is getting the horse clean and dry before you start. Then, use the billet straps to attach the back of the horse saddle first. Don't overdo it with your stirrups either—you don't want them too long or too short (and this is where most people mess up). Lastly: don't rush! Take your time and get comfortable with having a saddle on for as long as possible!

Make sure the horse is clean.

If you've tried all of the above and it still doesn't work, then check to make sure that your billet straps are tight enough. If they're not, then loosen them a bit more until they are—this will take some trial and error on your part since each saddle is different in size and weightThe next thing you'll want to do is put the girth on. This strap goes around your horse's belly and holds it in place, keeping the saddle from slipping..

Put the front cinch on first.

The first thing you'll want to do is put the front cinch on. This strap goes around the belly of your horse and holds it in place, keeping the saddle from slipping.

If your stirrups are too long, make sure they won't drag on the ground when you walk your horse. If they are too short, adjust them so that they don't hit the horse's belly or chest when he moves.

Saddles can be a bit tricky to put on, but if you follow our tips and tricks, it will be easier for you. Just remember to adjust the cinch tight enough so that your horse can’t slip out of it, but not so tight that they choke themselves in pain when they try to move. Also make sure that the stirrup leathers are long enough for them to be comfortable and easy access with their legs free from being pinned down by any part of the saddle itself. Last but not least - don't forget about safety!