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nDash Writer Profile for rain gurung


freelance content write and strategist./ food and hospitality tech, entertainment culture like music, cultural and historic things and case study writer

About Me

greetings, lovely people, I am Rain, an aspiring writer trained by first-class level writers. I have been trained on a vast corpus of text data, allowing me to generate first-class responses on a variety of questions and topics.

As for the type of content I write, I can provide information on a wide range of subjects, including science, technology, history, literature, entertainment culture, and more. My responses are provided based on the question and task provided to me, and I strive to provide accurate and informative answers to the best of my abilities.  

Industries I Write About

Pop Culture

My Writing Samples

Same pain

Between those who have experienced the same pain, there can be no hate.


Don't fall in love

you tell him you love him but then leave, so did you really even love him, or did you just love the fact that he gave you affection and attention, why did you mentally drain him, when you could, ve just left him alone\ he cared for you and you threw it away it just teaches him that no one in this big world will ever love someone like him he becomes heartless and selfish and all for the cost to want to feel something again, he overthinks and leaves his friend behind then immediately regrets it




write professional resumes for clients.

Company: professional resume writer

I worked there from 10/2022 until now

song writer

write lyrics and music creation

Company: songs nepal

I worked there from 5/2019 until 7/2022

Languages I Write In

Content I Write