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nDash Writer Profile for Mia Garcia


About Me

I am a recent college graduate seeking an opportunity to share my experience as a pregnant college student. I want to share how peers did not believe me, some teachers avoided me, and how I was discriminated against at my part time job. Not only do I want to write about this experience but something fun. I want to write about today's pop culture and what people my age believe because of social media. I want to write about the different conspiracy theories and what I and fellow peers have heard because of false information. Also, the way social media does not cover the full story and people are becoming more divided due to what they see on social media platforms. Everyone believes their side is right. Instead of blaming one another, we need to come together. 

Industries I Write About

Pop Culture



My Writing Samples


A combination of my work experience aand some examples of my portfolio.



Staff Writer

Focused on all the fundamental aspects of newspaper production, including reporting, writing, interviewing, editing and photography. Provided content and articles for the Sonoma State Star.

Company: Sonoma State Star

I worked there from 1/2023 until 5/2023

Languages I Write In

Content I Write