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nDash Writer Profile for Utkarsh Reddy


About Me

Hello there! I'm Utkarsh Reddy, a passionate law student at O.P Jindal University in Sonipat, Haryana. Currently immersed in the fascinating world of legal studies, I find joy in exploring the intricate nuances of the law and its dynamic impact on society. Beyond the realms of legal texts, I am an avid content enthusiast. Writing, for me, is not just a skill; it's a form of expression that allows me to weave thoughts into words. Whether it's dissecting complex legal doctrines or crafting compelling narratives, I thrive on the art of effective communication. In the pursuit of knowledge, I appreciate the value of diverse perspectives. My commitment to fostering inclusivity and understanding is reflected not only in my academic endeavors but also in my approach to content creation. I believe in the power of words to inspire change and foster a more informed and empathetic society.

Industries I Write About




Pop Culture

My Writing Samples

Research Aritcle

Talks about what ESG is and its different frameworks as well as the new IFRS 1&2 Framework and its impact


Statutory Interpretation

A very fun and short video explaining a complex legal concept in an easy way.



A samples of a presentation made on Caste system in India and some important cases regarding it


Blog Post

A small and fun blog article exploring an Ed-Tech industry's course



Content Writer

I provided them with a few research articles and blogs. I was also involved in providing them with information as well as catchy and imaginative titles for their website.

Company: Banao Technologies

I worked there from 12/2023 until now

Content I Write