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nDash Writer Profile for James Kneussl


About Me

James Kneussl, a part-time freelance writer with a unique story. Born in 1981, James pursued a degree in business but found solace in writing during his spare time. A full time Tennis Professional for the past 25 years, he started freelancing on weekends, fueling his passion for writing.

James excelled in creating compelling content on topics ranging from finance to pop culture. Juggling his passion for writing with his daily responsibilites, he discovered a harmonious balance. His writings have gained recognition for their authenticity and relatability.

With a growing portfolio, James attracted clients seeking a fresh perspective. His ability to infuse personality into his work made him a sought-after freelance writer. Despite the challenges of balancing two worlds, James continues to thrive, proving that dedication and a love for words can transform a part-time passion into a fulfilling career.

Industries I Write About

Health & Wellness

Pop Culture



My Writing Samples

Embracing Hope: The Profound Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude after Cancer Diagnosis and Treat

A cancer diagnosis is a life-altering event that catapults individuals into a journey filled with uncertainty, fear, and profound challenges. The physical toll of treatment, emotional upheaval, and the overwhelming sense of vulnerability can be daunting. However, amidst the turbulence, the power of a positive mental attitude emerges as a beacon of hope. This essay explores the transformative benefits of cultivating a positive mindset in the aftermath of a cancer diagnosis.


Benefits of TRT Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) offers numerous benefits for individuals with low testosterone levels. Enhanced energy, improved mood, increased muscle mass, and heightened libido are among the positive outcomes. TRT can also contribute to better cognitive function and bone density. When administered under proper medical supervision, TRT has the potential to restore hormonal balance, significantly improving the overall quality of life for those experiencing testosterone deficiency.



Head Tennis Professional

Company: Stonebridge Ranch CC

I worked there from 9/2020 until now

Director of Tennis

Company: Lifetime Tennis

I worked there from 6/2019 until 5/2020

Director of Tennis

Company: Chesterbrook Swim and Tennis

I worked there from 4/2018 until 9/2019

Content I Write