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nDash Writer Profile for Kimberly Ross


"Life's Hilarious Rollercoaster: Navigating the Laughter-Filled Labyrinth of Craziness with a Wink and a Smile!"

About Me

Hello there! I'm Kim, your go-to lemonade aficionado navigating life's citrusy twists with a splash of humor. Life, to me, is more than just lemons being casually thrown my way; it's a whimsical game of catch that I've become exceptionally good at.

Sure, challenges come at me like zesty curveballs, but I've adopted a philosophy that's as tart and sweet as the lemonade I whip up. Instead of letting life's lemons pile up, I've mastered the art of handling each one positively, one citrusy delight at a time.

I like to think of myself as a Lemon Maestro, turning the seemingly sour moments into opportunities for a refreshing sip of resilience. Life's recipe may throw unexpected ingredients my way, but I'm always ready to stir things up with a dash of optimism and a sprinkle of wit.

So, whether it's a tart twist or a sweet surprise, I'm here, juicing out the best from every experience. After all, when life gives you lemons, why stop at just making lemonade? Let's concoct a masterpiece, one witty and wonderful sip at a time!

Industries I Write About



Law & Politics

Science & Medicine

Science & Medicine

Health & Wellness

Pop Culture

My Writing Samples

Old Pumpkins

Ah, relationships, the garden of life where love blooms like vibrant flowers and occasionally morphs into the metaphorical equivalent of an old pumpkin. Picture this: love arrives in a burst of color, like a bouquet of freshly bloomed roses. It's all sunshine, rainbows, and the sweet fragrance of possibilities. However, as time pirouettes forward, the once vibrant blossoms may gradually transform into something akin to an aging pumpkin on your doorstep after Halloween—


Single Mom Life

Being a single mom is like riding an emotional roller coaster that has both thrilling highs and, let's face it, a few loops that can make you question your sanity. But oh, the joy that comes with this chaotic circus act! In the morning, I'm a superhero, juggling school lunches, lost homework, and the endless search for matching socks. The joy beams in when my little one surprises me with a handmade "masterpiece" that's a Picasso in my eyes, even if it's just a stick figure...


Super Woman

Welcome to my world, where I, a lone female warrior, navigate the treacherous terrains of what society quaintly labels as a "man's job." Picture this: I waltz into the office armed with both a can-do attitude and an arsenal of sarcastic quips, ready to face the bewildered looks and occasional "Did you get lost, miss?" inquiries. The craziness unfolds as I dance through the office dynamics that sometimes resemble a frat party more than a professional workspace. "Boys' club" meetings...


Heartbreak Rollercoaster

Once upon a time in the kingdom of Love-a-lot, I embarked on a rollercoaster romance that felt more like a wild ride at "EmotionLand." It all started with heart-eyed emojis and promises of eternal cuddling under rainbows. Cue the highs: Our first date was a dazzling ferris wheel of excitement. We laughed like hyenas, shared spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style, and even considered getting matching tattoos – because who needs to think about permanency on the first date, right?



I'm the chameleon of careers, Kim, and my professional journey reads like a patchwork quilt, weaving through the diverse landscapes of mental health and correctional facilities, with a sprinkle of everything in between. In the realm of mental health, I found myself donning the hat of a compassionate listener, offering support and empathy to those navigating the labyrinth of their minds. It was a profound experience, a journey into the intricacies of the human psyche that left an indelible mark


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